Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Read Naruto 531 Manga ナルト 531

Growing during the turmoil of the war, Asuma Team : Gathering.
Naruto Chapter 531 : Asuma Team's reunion.

Shikamaru : We're already resolved to this. Master, you'd better prepare yourself too.
Asuma : Chouji, Ino, Shikamaru. You three grew up pretty fine.
Shikamaru : Yeah ... Thanks to you.
Shikamaru : Ino, Chouji. Let's charge Asuma full speed !

Kankuro : Saved !
Samurai A: We're late.
Kankuro : Be careful, he's a poison user.
Samurai A: We already have masks. So he can't use this poison of his.
Samurai B : Good job, Officer Kankuro. Here's a counter poison medecine. Have the members of the Ambush Team tranported to the Healing Team right away !
Samurai A: Mifune-sama !

Mifune : You'd better not try to help me. If you don't want to die by entering my attack range area, that is.

Hanzou : Mifune ? Why are you ally with ninjas ? You always followed the anciens codes. This is not like you. A Samurai with no loyality devoted to no master, involved with ninja business ? And you call yourself a Samurai ?
Continue Reading at: Naruto Chapter 531 : Asuma Team’s reunion.

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