Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Read Naruto 532 Manga ナルト 532

Are you looking for the upcoming Naruto 532. Then you are at the right place because Naruto 532 raw chapter has been out.
Naruto manga 532 : Mifune Vs Hanzou, The Conclusion!
Read naruto 532 scans below to read the whole chapter
read naruto 532

naruto manga 532
Mifune : You don't remember me, all right. But it seems you don't even remember our past fight.
Mifune's sword is destroyed.
Hanzou slash him and Mifune bleed from his head.
Hanzou : This is the poison of the Salamander. Of course, my weapon is poisoned too.
Mifune : Ugh
Hanzou : I'll tell you why people call me "Hanzou of the Salamander". As a souvenir you will take with you to hell.
In my village there is a black salamander that can create mortal toxical poison.
Mifune : !?
Hanzou : I was a child When it died. I embedded his poison bag. It's right here. ( Left side of his stomach ) so I can be immune to his poison.
And I can poison my surrounding just by breathing.
Read more at: Naruto 532 Spoilers – Naruto Manga 532

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