Friday, July 31, 2009

The 5-Minute Face

Refresh Your Life BEAUTY

Don't skip make-up altogether on busy days. Try our simple plan to get pretty and polished, pronto.
Besides refreshing you, clean, hydrated skin helps make-up go on smoother and look more natural. Ideally opt for the same brand for all three. Try grape-fruit face wash.
Cover Up
You don't really have the time to put on a base, but you still need to cover up those dark circles and blemishes. In summer, it's a better idea to choose a water-based concealer – a creamy one can get heavy and make you perspire. Also, make sure it’s a shade lighter than your skin tone.

Now, Play Up Your Features Lush Lips In Seconds
If you do nothing else before you leave home, put on lipstick – it adds life to your face. A soft pink is great for daytime and looks good on everyone. Got an extra second? Slick on some gloss to enhance color and make your lips look fuller.

Quick Chic Cheeks
Swirl a subtle pink shade of blush onto the apples of your cheeks and blend outwards to your hairline, to give your face a lift and brighten it up. A cream blush works well for winter, and a powder blush in summer.
Instant Eye Opener
So, you line your eyes with Kohl. But to really brighten them, stock up on pencil liners in various colors – brown, blue, gold, silver. To open them up, brush on a coat of mascara.

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