Monday, January 24, 2011

Where Do I Stop and You Begin?

Blind Kissing Date

Where Do I Stop and You Begin?

Kissing Couple

I know that this might be a new idea for many people. I was thirty-eight years old before I ever even heard about such a notion. I truly thought that the things that I did would directly lead to change in the lives of others.

It was the summer and I was at the family reunion of the French branch of the family. Another "in-law" and I were the weakest in that language and tended to carry on conversations in English when we couldn't keep up! I turned to him and with a smile said "What do you know, Mike" His reply shocked me. He said "My employer had a workshop and I learned at it that you can't change other people".

It is somewhat amazing to me now that I think back as to how I could get through almost four decades without knowing that. But, on the other hand, if Mike's employer thought that it was important enough to have a workshop for staff on that topic, I guess I wasn't alone!

Over the years I have had so many moments when I wished that I could convince others to make better choices and follow through with them. I would like some of my grandchildren to focus more on academics and less on technology. I would like my children to take better care of their health. I would like some of my clients to improve their relationships with others and some to spend less money and some to beat the addictions.

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