Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It Is Necessary To Keep Her Off Balance

It Is Necessary To Keep Her Off Balance
Here’s some good old horse trading advice. No matter how badly you want something – never admit it. Let’s stay with the example above. The best approach would be to go to your friend and say “I hear you might want to sell your bike. I can’t be sure but I might be interested in it – how much are you asking for it?”

You appear to be only slightly interested (just interested enough to ask about it). Now it’s up to him to make the price attractive and talk you into the sale.I once wished to buy a certain model of an old Leica camera. I searched for several years with nothing to show for it. Then a friend gave me the number of a man who said he had the exact model I was looking for. I quickly grabbed my phone and made an appointment to see it.

When I arrived I was stunned by the camera’s condition. It was over 60 years old but this particular specimen looked as though it just came off the manufacturing line! It looked positively new. My mouth watered. I wanted this camera with all my heart and soul and was determined to have it at almost any price. But I remembered to stay calm and avoid showing too much interest.I calmly looked at it as my mind reeled with desire but I kept a mask of indifference on my face. I knew the thing was worth every penny of two grand and was gladly willing to write a check right there on the spot.

But my stern “poker face” was so good he didn’t pick up on my enthusiasm. As I spoke calmly my stomach was churning from the stress. I didn’t know how long I could keep up this charade. We finally settled on a price of only $450. The check was written and I headed for the door. When I got into my car and down the block a ways I let out a shriek of delight!
Hopefully my little camera story has taught you a valuable lesson. Keep cool and project an air of mild enthusiasm and what ever you do don’t show just how really eager you are to have this woman’s affections. If you get too overeager, you’ll lose her for sure. She’ll quickly become bored and place you into the trash bin with all those other too-eager losers.

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